Repainting your walls: mistakes to avoid


A lick of paint in the house, it changes the decor, the atmosphere … and also our mood! So, why go without it in this season when you want to spend time at home? But before you get started, here are a few mistakes to avoid … so as not to get your brushes tangled!

1 – Paint without clearing the room

First of all, you risk splashing your furniture with paint and above all, they risk bothering you and you will eventually have to move them… So, you might as well remove them from the room right away!

2 – Thinking that your walls are clean

Even if, at first glance, they don’t seem dirty to you, your walls have accumulated dust … To be successful with your painting, the surface must be perfectly clean . So, remember to dust them off and / or wash them.

3 – Paint in a damp room

In a humid environment, the paint dries less quickly … So, do not hesitate to ventilate , even if it is a little cold outside, and to heat, if necessary.

4 – Want to avoid the preparation of the walls

Once painted, you’ll see the flaws in your walls even more! So, prepare them correctly: fill the holes with a plaster applied with a spatula . Let dry then sand. If your wall has too many irregularities or cracks, you can put a canvas to paint which will also consolidate it. The canvas is posed almost like a wallpaper. On clean and dry walls, coat your walls with glue (in vertical strips), lay the lengths one by one starting from the top then smooth with a spatula and finally, cut the edges that protrude (from the ceiling and plinths). Here are your walls ready to be painted … well, almost because it is recommended to wait 48 hours before painting on it!

5 – Want to paint everything white

The choice of color is essential! It gives the general atmosphere and is chosen according to the desired style and the orientation of the room.

6- Each finish must be chosen according to the desired effect:

• Matte: a chalky and sober effect, ideal for restful rooms.
• Satin: bright, it is recommended for the living room, corridors and entry.
• Brilliant: ideal for water parts because resistant and washable.

7 – incorrectly calculate the amount of paint needed

To avoid unnecessary trips to the store, rely on the information on your paint bucket. For example, if this indicates a yield of 10 m2 / L, it means that with 1 liter you can paint 10 m2. Otherwise, use our in-house calculator.

8 – Do not clean the excess paint as you go

If you have “spilled” on the ceiling, windows or baseboards, do not wait until you have finished painting to clean : the longer you wait, the more difficult the paint will be to remove! In case of tasks, consider using:
• the soap to acrylic paint,
• of turpentine for oil painting,
• the mineral spirits for oil-based paint.

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